About Ashley Aune

Community Leader, Lifelong Kansas Citian, and Proud Northlander

Meet ashley aune

It’s pronounced /ahh-nee/. Don’t worry—everyone gets it wrong.

Legislative work

After three years in Jefferson City, my work is just getting started.


Just a few of my wonderful supporters. Check ‘em out.

I'm Proud to be your state rep.

Hello, neighbor! My name is Ashley Aune, and I'm the State Representative for Missouri's 14th district in Platte County. Here are a few things about me:

  • Before politics, I owned a marketing agency.
  • I serve as Minority Whip in the House.
  • I'm married to a 10-year military veteran.
  • I'm a stepmom to a very cool kid.
  • It's pronounced /ahh-nee/. Rhymes with Pawnee.

Thank you so much for stopping by!

Why I'm Proud to Represent you

I've had the privilege of representing House District 14 in the Missouri Legislature since I was elected to my first term in November, 2020. After four years in Jefferson City, I have a clear view of what’s working and what’s not in Missouri—from education and healthcare access, to the economy and public safety.

As your State Rep, I've worked across the aisle to pass the Missouri Cybersecurity Act, fought against government overreach on access to abortion, IVF and birth control, championed parental rights in family court settings, stood up for marginalized communities, and defended workers' rights. Additionally, I was appointed to the Missouri Military Preparedness and Enhancement Commission and sponsor legislation to end property taxes for service-disabled veterans—and my work in Jefferson City is just getting started.

Put simply, I want what you want: educational opportunities for all our children; affordable healthcare and the freedom to make our most personal healthcare decisions; a thriving economy that works for everyone; a balanced approach to ensuring the safety and security of all Northland families; and to live in a state committed to honoring military veterans.

As your State Representative, I'll always strive to provide compassionate, well-informed representation to every constituent in the 14th District, and I'll propose policies that reflect our values, and improve our lives and communities. Please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything I can do for you.